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Women's Network Prayer Brunch

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April 29, 2017, was the annual Prayer Brunch at Servant's House Ministry, located at 601 Cotton Grove Road, Lexington NC 27292.
At the annual Prayer Brunch, breakfast was served, there was plenty to eat, the atmosphere was so warm and welcoming, everyone had a chance to socialize and meet new people. When the Praise and Worship Team of Servant's House Ministry sang, you could feel the holy spirit all over in the place. 

The guest speaker was Co-Pastor Anita Scott, she brought the word in with her. There was healing, deliverance and break through's. It was definitely a place to be for anyone that was looking to turn their life around, or a different way of thinking, especially when you have tried everything else, and nothing has been working out. To connect with people that can lead you in the direction you want to go in.
Posted by Stephanie Chai with